Home » New Patients (Family Practice)

We are not accepting new patients at this time as our physician rosters are at full capacity. Please check back from time to time for a status update.

At the Windsor Family Health Team (WFHT), we are pleased to offer an integrated, holistic approach to your health care needs. Working together with you, our team provides comprehensive care for illness prevention and management with a primary focus on helping you stay healthy. When you enroll with a primary care provider at the WFHT, you also get access to our entire team as part of your circle of care.

Take a moment to read the sections on this page to find out how you can enroll as a patient with the WFHT.

Welcome Package

New patients to the WFHT are encouraged to download and print our Welcome Package. This guide will provide helpful information about what to expect and how to prepare for your first appointment. It will also be a resource to you through your time as a patient at the WFHT.

WFHT Welcome Package
Download PDF

Enrollment Information

Your first step to becoming a patient involves providing us with your personal health information (PHI) to understand your health care needs fully. This can be done by downloading and filling out our enrollment form electronically and then printing it, or you can download, print the form, and fill it out manually. If you are unable to print an enrollment form, you can either pick up a copy from our office or request to have one mailed or faxed to you.

Once you’ve filled out the enrollment form, you’ll need to fax, mail, or bring it in person to our office so that we can offer you an appointment or put you on our waitlist for the first availability.

Please note that you are not considered a patient of the WFHT until you have had your first appointment and have been officially accepted as a patient.

IMPORTANT: Please do not have any records or test results sent to our office before being accepted as a patient.

If you are 16 years of age or older and you’d like to allow someone to speak on your behalf regarding your personal health information, please also download and fill out the consent form below. Until this form is completed, we will not be able to speak to anyone other than yourself regarding your health.

If you need assistance completing this form, either call our reception staff at (519) 250-5656 or visit our office in person and we’ll be happy to help you!

Patient Enrollment Form
Download PDF
Health Information Consent Form
Download PDF

Digital Solutions

We are proud to offer our patients access to a variety of digital tools to allow you to be more connected with your health care. These tools allow us to offer faster, more accessible appointment booking and management and also gives you the ability to book a virtual visit which you can attend from the comfort of your own home.

To allow us to offer these services, our patients must consent to the use of their email address for communication regarding our digital services including appointment reminders, referral status updates, health promotion/education information, general announcements, and patient satisfaction surveys. You can find a copy of the terms and conditions below.

WFHT Digital Solutions Terms & Conditions
Download PDF
How to book an appointment online?
Watch Video

Welcome Package Team Care

New Patients to the Windsor Team Care Centre (WTCC) are encouraged to download and print our Welcome Package. This guide will provide helpful information about what to expect and how to prepare for your first appointment. It will also be a resource to you through your journey with the Team Care Centre and for when your journey is complete.

Download our Welcome Package below:

Welcome Package - Team Care Centre
Download PDF